Monday, April 23, 2007

It's official...

I've finally booked my summer holidays in work.

What a sense of relief and release I have!

and hopefully, what a birthday it will be!!



  1. woooooohooooooo !!!!!!!

  2. I thought of that when I was bout 1/8 of a mile out our road this morning preparing to fend off an angry duck that was wadling toward me through the mud, beak stretched out, battle-ready. Hobbit birthday!!!!!!!! I think that's nice. And now you HAVE to give me the recipe. :p

  3. Um... one thing I want to ask...

    What precisely about an angry waddling duck reminds you of me?!

    *is concerned*

  4. LOL @ 'your panda eyes!'

    *goes away to school lauging at that photo caption*

    Yay for booking the trip! :D

  5. Nothing!! I just happened to think of it at the same time ROFL hee hee hee

    Maybe that's why the duck backed down ... it saw a look of sheer happiness take over my face!!! :p

  6. I feel the need to post, but i have nothing constructive to say.

    So check out my most recent post!

    (Solid bible story + hollywood gore = a damn good read!)
