Sunday, September 19, 2004


12 August 2004
Time: 21:56:00 o'clock BST
Author: happyhobbit29
Mood: Quiet
Music: Event Hymns

Do I need purpose to justify everything I do?

Shouldn't the fact that God loves me be enough?

I guess it should. I should live life because I have it. I should enjoy things because I can enjoy them. I should love because He loves me.

It's really, really easy to say these things but much harder to live them out.

I guess God's character as I read about it in the Bible should be enough for me to live for Him every day, even in the boring dull things.

I think I've convinced myself. I'm too introspective on this blog. Because God made me, my character, my feelings, my emotions in some way are a reflection of Him because I'm made in His Image.

Wow. What a thought....

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