Sunday, September 19, 2004

Inspiration... Day Off (re-run)

10 August 2004
Time: 22:07:00 o'clock BST
Author: happyhobbit29
Music: Still Nichole Nordermann

Got inspiration... I'll tell you what I'm going to do with my day off tommorrow....

(don't fall off your chair with excitement now...)

Those of you with pace-makers, consult a specialist first before reading this post...

First I'm going to get up. Then I'm going to make myself some toast and a really really sugary cup of tea. (yum!) Then I'm going to get a shower. Then I'm going to put washing on......

THEN.... at 12 my mate Richard is coming round and we're gonna watch Nemesis on my Dad's surround sound DVD, an have some lunch....

Then we might play on his playstation....

Then I'm going to get picked up by my best mate Gaz at 4, after Richard has gone home....

THEN I'm going to our House Group Party to stuff our faces... THEN I'll come back and go to bed...

Wot an EXCITING DAY!!!! :->

I'm gonna burst with excitement!!!! I'm actually setting foot outside of the house!!!



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