Thursday, September 16, 2004

Baby Explosion!!

No, I don't mean that a baby's self combusted...


What's wrong with the world??

Just found out one of my ex-uni friends is expecting. (ex-uni friend as in we're not in Uni anymore, not as in an ex-friend... oh you know what I mean)

My two best friends in the world became parents in June, and for the last 12 weeks I've had all the privelleges of adopted unclehood without the responsibilities, i.e. nappy changing, being awakened at all hours, etc.

Hearing that my friend is now expecting is the last straw!

I've decided I feel left out, so therefore...

I'm going to have to build one.

(well that's the only likely way I'm gonna be a father in the realistic future)


Will have to find some raw genetic material to manipulate. If it's anything like me though, it won't be a test-tube baby, a test-tube will be too big, a thimble will do. Yes! That's it, I'll make the first "thimble baby". It could live in the thimble, and when it get's a bit bigger move into the test tube as a 10th birthday present.

Hmmmm, I'd have to bring it up right tho, don't know if I fancy that bit. There's also the endless frantic searching for the latest toy, at 5pm on Christmas Eve, the squabbles with it's brothers and sisters, (well I can't leave it on it's own now can I?) the eventual gf/bf problem to navigate, re-living exams through it, re-living finding and going to Uni...


Maybe it's not such a good idea after all...

Do Asda sell playstations?

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