Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Strange Noises

Location: in my room.

Time: late afternoon.

I was happily listening to music upstairs when I heard what sounded like a thousand armed guerilla's launching a pre-emptive attack on the kitchen. Needless to say I was a bit fearful of going downstairs to discover what the noise was.

Would I find the remnants of war, bloody remains scattered everyewhere, the cries of semi-conscious soldiers near brink of death assaulting my ears??

Apparently not.

It was something much, much worse...

The washing machine decided to throw a wobbly while it was rinsing. The noise the drum made as I entered the domain of all things culinary, was not sounding healthy. I fear for the soul of the washing machine, and I fear for my social status if it does give up the ghost.

After all, who wants to talk to a person whose clothes stink??

My fear drove me to faith... I prayed that it would be ok and not break down, leaving me stranded in the world of BO, detergent and bold taunting me in my nightmares...

Anyway, I think it's ok for the moment. Hopefully it'll give up when I've finished my load, I don't care about anyone else's, obviously in the case of laundry, all's fair in love and war...

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