Monday, November 29, 2004

Answers, answers...

Further to my experiment the other day, hear are the results of the sleep deprivation jury...

  1. The cheese didn't work.
  2. The Horlicks knocked me senseless.

So, to conclude:

  1. Cheese isn't as evil as I thought.
  2. Malty Goodness really is "good", in the classical greek sense.
  3. They should sell Horlicks on the Black Market, and make it illegal

Therefore, this is what I shall do:

  1. Drink a cup of horlicks every night before I go to bed.
  2. Go to bed.
  3. Try to advertise evangelise the amazing healing effects of malt.

(can you tell I'm in an analysing/list-making mood?)


  1. How wonderful. I was beginning to worry about your battle with insomnia. But would you please explain what "Horlicks" is?

  2. Yeh. Horlicks is a british malt freeze dried powder drink that you add to hot milk to make it scrummy...

    AND to knock you out.


