Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More Changes Maybe?!

Today completely out of character, I asked for an application form for a job I saw advertised. It's a post for a full time youth/schools worker with a well known national Christian organisation, and even the wage is higher than what I'm on as a Deputy Manager of a shop!! The starting date would be in September, and it's very close to where I live, so it's ideal really.

The closing date is Friday, but the lady I spoke to said they will extend the date because they'd have to post the application form out today!!

I'll receive it tommorrow, so will have to fill in the form straightaway tommorrow night and post it off the next day!! It'll be a bit of a quick turnaround but never mind!!

Let's wait and see!!



  1. it's all go for you isn't it....!!!

  2. Good luck with the application, Heres hoping and praying things work out. GO for it mate !!!!

  3. Yeah maybe.. why not move to the US? I hear the north east is pretty nice

  4. lol it'll be vice versa actually if anything happens ;)

    *keeps schtum*


    ROFL!! the word verification fro this message was the very disturbing word "uwipey"!!!

    rofl rofl

  5. Ooo, secret plans! I'm intrigued!

  6. rofl @ uwipey!

    *womps benny with a brick* shurrup, body guard. :p

    besides if a person moves to the US there's no room for quoting Lewis when going on holiday... "lucky Susan, off to America!"

    word verifcation: mixiipp

  7. ha!!!!! i just saw a word verification that was 'eatgo'

    ROFL !!!
