Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Great Deoderant Hunt!!

You know one of those mornings when you haven't put your contact lenses in yet, but you can't wear your glasses cos a screw fell out yesterday and now one lens has completely fallen out, and you're running late and you strain your eyes peering into the murky blurredness that is your room looking for where you put your deoderant yesterday?!


Yeh well, I'm having that kinda day!!


  1. So are you spending today smelling like furniture polish? :P

  2. I hate having days where the contact lenses just won't go in, no matter how you try. And you end up looking like you've been crying for years because of the bloodshot eyes.

  3. rofl ... oh dear. put everything on the bedside table, man. lol

    i'm off out the door, have a super duper day despite the deoderant quest. if it's anything like the questing beast, in a few days it'll come round wagging it's tail behind it looking for food.

    ta ta! :)

  4. Heh ... just don't brush your teeth with the PreperationH and gum up the bum with tooth-paste!
