Friday, November 03, 2006

WARNING: Sloppy/Cheesy Post: I'm Becoming Domestic...

It's my day off, I was fed up, but have found the perfect remedy!!

I've just cleaned down all the worktops in the kitchen, scrubbed them, disinfected them, cleaned them with anti-bacterial cleaner, washed them again, unloaded the dishwasher, put stuff away and then cleaned the oven top with special hob cleaner.

It works wonders!!

I now feel like I've actually done something worthwhile today, and the kitchen is sparkling!!

I'm now gonna go and put some more washing on, and go and see if I can get it dried before going to my brothers tonight with Mum and Dad to babysit!!

All this because Mum and I had an emotional moment earlier on, when she talked about when we were little and I felt guilty about not doing enough round the house lol. She's been cleaning the bathroom today, and I was making her lot's of cups of coffee and chatting before I got stuck in to cleaning myself!!

It's been a good day, I don't soend enough time talking to my parents, and enjoying the relationship we have now that I'm older.

I love my mum, I don't say it or demonstrate it enough.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, it's hard to say that. You feel guilty for not saying it enough ... or assuming that it was just known.
