Friday, November 03, 2006


I've got another water infection.

I get them on a regular basis, about every 5 weeks or so, and it looks like another one has come round....


It feels like I'm trying to pee razor blades at the moment.

It'll be back to the docs for some more antibiotics and the usual drink plenty of water and cranberry juice.

Also I was slurring some of my words today, and three times I forgot what i was doing and went completely blank, no recall, nothing. I had to stand there looking stupid until I'd figured out what I'd been doing the previous couple of seconds beforehand by trying to find clues.

These are all very minor symptoms, but theyre a warning that I've pushed myself a bit too much this week, and that I need to slow down a bit. It's only when I'm tired that I tend to get the really annoying ones, like sudden pain right down my legs an arms, and numbness and pins and needles so bad that I can't stand up and support my weight on my legs, or even grip a cup in my hand. The muscle spasms in my legs are the worst, I've never been much of a dancer, but boy do those feet an legs move when that starts!! Lol.

I'm so glad it's my day off tommorrow....


1 comment:

  1. Yeah ... you knew this was coming down the pike, so to speak. You can stretch rubber only so far.
