Friday, May 19, 2006

Plans Ahead...

Tommorrow I'm out for the day.

One of my brothers best friends, (who also happens to go to the same church as me) is getting married in August, so he's having a "stag day" , and he's invited me and my brother. To start off, we meet outside the church to get a coach to a paintball centre, and there we will engage in trying to kill each other at close range with balls of paint. I am fully expecting to come back looking and feeling like a Picasso painting as apparently the bruises are great and they're very good for showing off with...

They do feed us and allow us a break halfway through apparently, and we're having a barbecue. What precisely they're barbecuing is anybody's guess, I'm fully prepared for it to be me, being probably the slowest, oldest and shortest there!!

Then after several more attempts at trying to lose an eye or a limb, (or, through some particularly vicious shots, a testicle) having had our primal male hunter ego's satisfied, we will get back on the coach and all go our separate ways to proceed in the girly ritual of "washing oneself clean", before we all meet up again for a feast.

And I mean literally a feast!

We're going to aChinese/Tai Banqet!!

Once there, we will cause havoc and fear and hillarity as only a bunch of young (ok apart from me) handsome, virile men can do, whilst eating and drinking our full body weight each.

Then, staggering out of said eating place, we will proceed to paint the town whatever colour we damn well choose, starting with presumably a vomit/beer/spirits/aftershock colour combination on the floor of whichever club we end up in next...

Hopefully it should be a good day/night.

Especially as I am planning on taking my digital camera with me for posterity!


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