Thursday, October 13, 2005


I was in Leeds again, which was a good day, 'cos it meant I didn't have to get there 'till 10:15, and I could leave at 3:30, 'cos it takes two hours on the train travelling time.

Now, I may make myself sound like a freak now, but to me, there's nothing like travelling, and travelling by train. Yes, I know there's delays and cancellations, and late arrivals, and sometimes it's so busy you can't get a seat, but generally speaking, most of the time I love it! There's something about sitting in your own space, watching the world speed past you, relaxed and knowing you're on the way to somewhere.

I really love travelling by train. Sometimes I feel down that I can't drive, but it's at times like this that I'm glad, because if I did, I'd miss out on travelling by train. I think it's because it reminds me of when I was 21, and the first time I had to get on a train to get somewhere, and I was totally on my own. This was a big thing for me, partly because of my nearly crippling shyness, but also because generally speaking I'd been driven everywhere by someone before. In a strange way, I felt a sense of exhilaration and independance when I reached where I was going, because I'd realised I'd done it on my own!!

No help.

No parents.

No siblings.

Just ME!!

Maybe that's why I enjoy travelling by train so much, because it brings back those feelings. maybe it's also because I have my own space, and I can read, listen to music, and even sleep; I can do what I want, rather than have to speak to the person driving me, navigate with a map, shout directions, etc. In my mind, it's just soooo much easier and less stressful.

I used to have to travel quite a bit when I did my gap year after Uni with Scripture Union, (the aforementioned first journey) and I loved every minute of the travel! I think I sometimes look forward to the journey more than arriving at the destination!

To be boringly deep for a moment, (!) it got me thinking!

I wonder what would happen if I approached life that way? If I approached every situation / person / problem I encountered as part of the process of my journey in life?

If I wasn't so worried about the destination, (my plans/prospects/career/relationships) but simply enjoyed the journey, taking in the sights, and using the time to enjoy and relax?

What about my fellow passengers?

Are they any less travellers than me?

Am I different to them in a significant way?

I'm different yes, we all are, but....

We're all on the journey.


Puts a different spin on things doesn't it?


Worrying about "finding the One"?

Stressing about making that bill payment?

Wondering where my purpose is?


Sit Back.


Enjoy the Journey, and welcome others who are travelling too.

The Driver knows where He's going.

*sigh* it really is that easy.

We make it so, so complicated as Christians.

God, help me to trust in You, really trust in You, not just lip-service. Help me to kick back and enjoy this journey of life you've set me upon, to enjoy spending time with my fellow passengers, to not get annoyed when things are delayed that i want, when it seems I have to make diversions in my plans, to realise that You know the destination, and that's all I need to know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jm :)

    I love travelling on trains too. I have been a regular train user since i was about 16 and i have always loved it. i also remember the first time i went on a long train journey by myself when i was 17. i felt so independant! Maybe we should go on a train journey together one day!!!
