Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ok I Feel Like I'm In The 13466799076th Act Of Dante's Inferno...

All day, I've had the creepy feeling of little rivulets of sweat running down my back as I've worked in the shop. We had one fan in the whole shop, and even with the door open, it reached 32 degrees c inside...

Thank the Lord that my anti-perspirant works, it's bad enough being hot and sweaty, having b.o. to scrae off customers and make them collapse in front of me with the smell wouldv'e been much worse lol

Here in Liverpool, it was hotter today than some parts of the Meditteranean are at the moment...

In fact, in some parts of britain, it was that hot.

Even the animals are enjoying the weather...

Seriously, if you don't believe me, check this out... It's not the Savannah, it's Scotland!!


My complaint wasn't for nothing you know...

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