Saturday, April 12, 2008

Frustration Part Deux


My computer (desktop) is very ill. It's only about three years old, but it seems the usb ports are failing on it. (apparently I've overloaded them and caused a permanent conflict in the main usb circuit board)

I've sent it away to see if it can be fixed, and meanwhile I'm using my Dad's laptop during the evenings, but I'm not holding out much hope, because hard wired usb's are notoriously hard to fix apparently, and just putting in a temporary one doesn'y work for my Voip Phone, it has to be hard wired...

On the health front, I've been having very painful itchy swellings on the soles of my feet and also near my arch and on my wrists stretching down towards my little finger. They almost look like an injection site reaction, being very red and angry and swollen, and then after a few days they die down and then reappear again somewhere else!

I've had this problem for more than a week now, and it's very uncomfortable to walk on at times. The desire to scratch the affected area is almost more than I can bear, and so far my local G.P. has no idea what it is, and the M.S. Specialist Nurses say it's nothing to do with M.S. (and I quote) "because M.S. is an invisible disease, it doesn't have physical symptoms"...


Tell that to my muscles in my legs when they twitch and spasm. Tell that to my waterworks that aren't working properly at the moment for which I will (in a couple of weeks as I'm waiting for them) be self-catheterising myself on a weekly perhaps daily basis.

In fact, tell that to my back that often has severe lower pain, and also to my whole body when I've occasionally run out of spares, and am down to my last teaspoon!

I just don't know what it is, it happens in work and at home, sometimes it looks like an insect bite but I've compared the cleaning chemical stuff at work and at home and they're completely different. I'm very good with personal hygiene, it's not mites or anything, if it was my shoes that I wear, why would it have started randomly this last week?! Besides, my doc examined my feet and said that my arches were fine, no collapsing, etc. You don't have lymph nodes in your hands and feet, so thankfully it can't be any nasty white blood cell stuff...

The only thing my poor G.P. made a guess at (and he admitted it was a guess!) was that it was possibly arthritic, as the swellings had happenned near joints. Why would I suddenly have developed arthritis though?! I don't have a physical job, and yes I walk a lot cos I don't drive, but not any amount that is excessive?

I really have no clue and I wish I did, it's extremely annoying to have no answers to this particular malady.

Any suggestions I can look into, apart from me developing a resistance to Copaxone? (I'd thought of that, but my Consultant thinks that Highly unlikely, I'd be the first person literally to do so, and besides, I've only been injecting it for maybe three years)


Any suggestions of areas to look into anyone?!


  1. Sounds vaguely like something a couple of people in my family had. Turned out they both suffered from poot circulation. To be fair though, if it's come on suddenly it's unlikely to be that and it's probably not wise for me to speculate further!

    I feel for you with the "invisible illness" thing. My father suffered from M.E. and people label it the same thing. Kind of ironic after he'd lost several stone in weight and looked like he could collapse at any moment.

  2. Hi, babe. Sorry it's come back/not gone away. I seriously thing it's an allergic reaction to something, though like you, I dont know what.

    I don't think they know what they're talking about with the arthritis thing. Not that I'm a doctor, but arthritis doesn't tend to be red, raw, and itchy. And you don't get it on one hand, one foot, and your scalp.

    It could be something like exercise-induced anaphylaxis. I've been reading up on that a little because I think that is the cause of my hives. It happens when exerising or even just walking ...

    "Attack symptoms are fatigue, warmth, itching, redness of the skin, then large hives, collapse and unconsciousness. They may have swelling of the throat, difficulty breathing, choking, nausea and vomiting."

    Apparently some foods and medications are related to causing this including some big culprits like: shell fish, wheat, hazel nuts, grapes, ibuprofen, antiobotis, cold meds, herbal supplements.

    I think my hives are from exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and I'll tell you it is pretty random ... Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I break out on the backs of my hands, sometimes on the sides of my elbows. And I do tend to eat a lot of grapes, and I take a lot of ibuprofen.

    It can have greatly varying symptoms and can be minor to severe, and can occur when you are merely walking or doing something else slightly exerting.

    It's a thought.

  3. You're knackered, your compooter is knackered, you're aching, you've got the catheterisation coming up... for my money, it's stress.

    When I get stressed, I get bad skin on my feet and my hands. I think skin and stress / annoyance / having an arsey time are closely related.

    It could also be circulation - both your tootsies and your handies are extremities, and will be the first to suffer with bad circulation.

    Or it could be a reaction to your weirdo customers. In fact, it's definitely a reaction to your weirdo customers. I'd hide under the counter if I were you.

  4. lol I'm going for the customers theory!

    ;) :p

  5. I'm going for a combination of the last two! I got something really similar last year... the cause was a cross between stress and a random allergic reaction (to I don't know what!).

    I hope it clears up soon - I'll be praying! :-)

  6. That line your Neuro gave you is a load of crap!
