Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Worldwide Computer Animated Greens/Well-Known Burger Retailer Conspiracy...

Today, there were unconfirmed reports that a certain employee of a certain Christian Bookstore was verbally accosted by a customer on the above mentioned conspiracy to create "fat kids" by advertising the seductive evil products that are burgers of a certain well-known food retailer, through the medium of vegetables on children's dvds....

Yes, you may have thought the cute yet charming computer animated mock-ups of your average green were harmless, but not according to out very verbal and angry and physchopathic source...

Apparently the vegetables are the mere tip of the iceberg, sending our little ones down the slippery slope of food agnosticism, where one man's food is another's poison. Said Bewildered Bookshop Employee when interviewed "I really don't know what she's going on about, I never knew there was a link between certain animated vegetable dvds and a worldwide food retailer, don't you think I would have tried to get free cheeseburgers if I'd known?!"

The aforementioned employee was accosted verbally for several long minutes about "damaging easily influenced young childrens minds", and eventually gave up trying to use the well known debating tools called reason and logic. During this time the detailed supposedly "bad theology" of the content of the dvd's was outlined in 75 thousand very intricately detailed points.

When asked why said store sells such dvds, the employee replied "because they're funny", which wasn't the answer the producer of the highly theological rebuttal against them had expected and certainly not the first answer the employee was trained to give; but certainly had the funniest reaction from the complainer. In reports, most eye-witnesses agree the complainer turned a bright purple shade, and recieved an enormous simultaneous boost of energy for her elderly years, which transported her across the other side of the shop to the door, very quickly...

After the controversy had died down, the Employee went to get a cup of strong tea and to have a lie-down.....

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