Monday, September 11, 2006

Quick Update

Ok so I'm very tired after a busy week last week, and a busy (but fun!) weekend away...

Just to update very briefly 'cos Im very tired and need to go to bed:

I went to a wedding, disected a previous relationship, pondered sexuality, talked for hours in a pub, laughed out loud on a park and ride bus, told people i was gay at a reception cos i got fed up of questions about my mate (female) and myself, talked about potties and poo and wee, ate lots of food at a church, discovered you can have a platonic relationship and still be very close, learnt about women's views of relationships, read a profound yet totally non-religious book, practiced swearing at drivers even though I was the passenger....

Lot's really!!

I will update in more detail tommorrow nite when I'm less tired!!

Bye for now!!



  1. Yeesh! Sounds like the mental activity was a bulk of what went on!

  2. It was believe me!!

    I'm always thinking to be honest, I'm a thinker unfortunately for me...

    I'm off to see my new nephew now, update soon with pics!!

