Thursday, November 17, 2005

In The Future....

  1. We will use the term "Snog & Blog" instead of "Kiss & Tell"
  2. We will all wear an aluminium fabric
  3. The Church will be powerful because it will be an underground movement, having been banned and outlawed years ago
  4. We will have tv screens on our watches, or fitted into the skin of our arms by a simple procedure
  5. ALL clothing will be wired with an ipod
  6. Most shoes will be outlawed, except for a spacey version of Caterpillars, or Timberland's, or Doc Martens
  7. Products will be judged by whether they are fashionable, not useful
  8. All books will be kept in museums
  9. Music will be mostly electronic based
  10. You will be able to choose what ur hair looks like from a magazine, and then press a switch to replicate ur ideal haircut

What do you think the future will hold?!

1 comment:

  1. Wrong wrong wrong again
    In the future:

    1. I agree with 1
    2. We will all wear Teflon fabric impregnated with spandex.. we will have been genetically altered to only sweat perfume
    2. The Church will have radically changed.. All the real christians will be wiped off the face of the earth and Aliens will be responsible. The church will be taken over by Alien communicators/New Age movement who are able to channel the Aliens thoughts and messages trhough themselves using Eastern meditation techniques. The Aliens will be real, because we will all see them in the sky after they remove the trbouelmakers who are detroying the world (the real christians)
    4. the Tv screens will be a fine biological film attached to our retina at birth, and will grow with our eyes.. we can choose to look past it or not.. honest.. t's not really switched on ALL the time. The electronical implant in your arm is to allow you immediately access to your money on from the world wide bank of the Earth Federation (All peoples of the earth will unite either to fight against the Aliens or to beat environmental catastrophy should the Aliens choose to help us)
    5. All clothes EXCEPT socks will be wired with an I-POD. There is no force in the universe able to combat the smell and poison of socks
    6. Vans will be the order of the day (the shoes not the vehicles)
    7. Products are already judged by whether they are fashionable. This is not a prediction.
    8. Most books will probably be destroyed, we must only look into the future say the Aliens as they rewrite the history books electronically over the internet which is beam subconsciously into your eyes via the retinal implant.
    9. Music will be used to help induce trances. Drugs will be electronic
    10. That kind of control over matter would cause us to already have destroyed ourselves. Our hair will be genetcially altered using tablets that we eat to change its colour. Hair growth will be speeded up the same way. Laser cutters will replicate the exact haircut shape. The whole process will take about 8 hours (time for the tablet dye to be ingested)

    p.s. the Aliens are not what they seem... interdimensional beings called Ashta and Lucifer etc who have been around a long time already.... you were warned...
