Monday, October 30, 2006



It's been a busy day, not just one of those days that is filled with busyness, but one of those days where busyness seems to fill you, to posess you, to act like a drug that completely overwhelms all your senses and leaves you at the end of it feeling exhausted and empty and lacking.

The combination of that, and as a result of my stress levels being the highest I can remember for a long time, I've decided to avid the internet and msn and chatting online tonight. I've decided rather to get a book I've been meaning to read for a while, and to just curl up on my couch, the home-made hazlenut cappuchino, my book and I, and just indulge my mind for a night, alone with my own thoughts and questions.

I think confucious got it right:

“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance”

Tonight I'm choosing not to be ignorant.



  1. Hey sorry you had a bad day yesterday!

    Me too as it happens - and I totally know what u mean about busyness filling u rather than a day filled with busyness - bizarre but true!

    I got to the end of my day yesterday and simply breathed for a while! It's good to do that from time to time (!)

    Anyway, I hope today has been better for you - mine has!

    That is the wonderful thing about days - they start and (sometimes after what feels an eternity) they end and we get to have a new day - Good one God!


  2. "self-chosen ignorance"

    Crap. I guess trolling the internet does not count. Sigh ... I guess I should pick up that Plato book I started 2 months ago.

  3. lol mdmhvonpa... not that i read confucious regulalrly... i jus thought it was a good quote lol

    I trawl the internet every night... hence why i thort a break was in order!!

  4. KT my week has been most of the same to be honest lol I think its gonna be one of those weeks!!

    Nevermind, hopefully it will be a chance to catch up on my reading for a change..

    I presume you've heard the joke about what God said after hed been creating for 24 hours solid and made the sun and moon?

    He said "ah, I think I'll call it a day!!"

    LOL geddit? ;)

    (i apologise profusely, but tiredness makes things ALOT funnier in your head than on a screen lol)
