Thursday, October 28, 2004

Things that ROCK!!!

(in no particular order:)

  1. Marillion, especially the "Clutching at Straws" album, with Fish
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Blogs Generally
  4. The A-Team
  5. My Ibanez JS-100 Electric Guitar
  6. My Boss GT6 Effects Pedal
  7. Coffee
  8. Women (not that I have great experience of them, but...)
  9. Admiring them from a distance... (also known as staring open mouthed... lol)
  10. God
  11. Motorbikes
  12. Baileys
  13. Anti-Perspirant
  14. Hobbits ;-)
  15. Friends
  16. Long Guitar Solos That I Can't Play But I Would Love To
  17. Chocolate
  18. Chocolate
  19. Chocolate
  20. Chocolate
  21. Cheesecake
  22. Blueberry Muffins
  23. Lasagne
  24. Pasta
  25. Chicken
  26. Pizza (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... feel hungry now, gnawing at the desk....)
  27. Ice-Cream (almost ANY flavour)
  28. Night-time
  29. Snogging (just about remember that one... :-( )
  30. Gabapentin 300mg Capsules

That's it. But Not Definitively.


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